6 Weeks DownThe course has definitely changed my outlook on learning. In school, it was always, “Here’s the information you need to know.” With this…Nov 16, 2020Nov 16, 2020
Time is FlyingThe way that I would describe imposter syndrome is when you feel like you don’t deserve to be somewhere or doing something and you feel…Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020
thinking.jsWhile both JavaScript and CSS reference html elements to do make the code do things, they work differently and do different things. CSS…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
Two Weeks InSo far, the experience of learning to code has been a pretty interesting one. I knew next to nothing coming into class, but feel like I’m…Oct 18, 2020Oct 18, 2020
Figuring It OutWhat excites me about coding is being able to learn something new. Not just a new skill, but a new way of thinking. The possibilities are…Oct 12, 2020Oct 12, 2020
Blogpost_101This week in class at Austin Coding Academy, we learned how to use flex. Flex is extremely useful when positioning items. I used it on my…Oct 12, 2020Oct 12, 2020