Time is Flying

Trenton Taylor
2 min readNov 9, 2020

The way that I would describe imposter syndrome is when you feel like you don’t deserve to be somewhere or doing something and you feel like you’re going to be exposed as a fraud. It can affect you in a number of ways, but the most prevalent is in your professional life. Coworkers think you’re being modest about achievements, but you really do feel like you don’t deserve them.

The thing that has made me most happy to learn about in the tech world is how helpful everyone is. Posting their code, tons of forums to get questions answered, everyone contributing to help everyone else. It is really great to be able to see 3 different people write the same thing 3 different ways.

The way we talk to ourselves is important because it has the ability to change our mindset. With the ability to change our mindset, we can affect the way we feel about things.

So far, what is challenging me the most in the course is JavaScript. I am having a hard time figuring out how to get it what I want to do. It is a bit daunting, but then I think about how much I didn’t know about html or, especially, css before this class and it makes me feel like I’ll get there.

I’ve listened to 2 episodes of Syntax so far, and it was pretty good. I need to get a few more episodes under my belt.

I definitely spend more time in my head now than before. I find myself thinking about how to make things work in my projects instead of mindlessly staring at reddit on my phone.

